Dog Healthcare

Ticked Off: How to Identify, Get Rid Of, and Prevent Ticks on Your Dog

While some ticks remain active during the winter, most types of ticks spend the colder months in a state of inactivity, circling the warmer days of spring on the calendar as their time to emerge and get back to their pesky ways. For dog owners, ticks are an unavoidable part of life; this is especially true if you spend long periods outdoors. Ticks can carry a host of diseases that are easily transmittable to your dog, so it’s important to know what to look for.

The staff at DogWatch Hidden Fences has a lot of experience with ticks, both from our customers and our own dogs. Here is how you can safely identify and remove them, avoid them in the future, and keep you and your pup safe.

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Good Eating!: Easy Dog Biscuit Recipes You Can Make At Home (With Videos)

The first recorded dog biscuit was made, by accident, in England during the early 19th century. James Spratt, an American, visited London on business in 1860 and noticed the locals fed their pet dogs leftover biscuits. Soon after, he developed the first dog biscuits from a wheat meal, various meat products, and vegetables. 

James’ company, Spratts, was founded soon after and began developing dog biscuits on an industrial scale for worldwide distribution. Those first biscuits were endearingly named “Meat Fibrine Dog Cakes”. And, while the title was on the proverbial nose, dogs loved them, and they became a massive hit. 

Fast forward 150 years, and dog biscuits and treats come in all shapes, sizes, and flavors. You can buy training treats, meal toppers, reward treats, and even puppy birthday cakes! Many pet owners will splurge for high-end goodies, knowing their dog deserves the best. However, dog biscuits are easy to make right at home and require few ingredients.

Here are some recipes that will allow you to make your pup a special treat, complete with a hefty serving of love!

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January 1st on Calendar and dog, New Year, New Dog: How To Include Your Pup In Your 2022 Resolutions

New Year, New Dog: How To Include Your Pup In Your 2022 Resolutions

We are nearly two weeks into the new year, and it’s time to ask yourself, honestly: how are those resolutions going? Are you still staying strong, have you thrown in the towel, or do you need a little extra support to meet your goals? Look no further than your four-legged family member!

At DogWatch Hidden Fences, our team thinks that dogs make everything more fun, and that’s why we always have at least a few in the office. We’ve come up with some helpful ideas to energize your resolutions with the help of your pup.

Not only will having your canine companion by your side make resolutions a little more fun, but it can benefit them as well!

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dog running, Want To Go For A Walk?!: How Much Exercise Does Your Dog Need?

Let’s Go For A Walk: How Much Exercise Does Your Dog Need?

All dogs need exercise to promote both mental and physical health. However, most owners aren’t sure if their dogs get the right amount or even how much they need. The amount of exercise your dog requires can vary drastically depending on breed, age, weight, and even pre-existing conditions. A couple of laps in your neighborhood might be sufficient exercise for some four-legged family members, but some dogs require much, much more.

Here’s a run-down of 10 types of dogs and their specific exercise requirements.

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