October 31, 2020
Here are the Winners of the 2020 DogWatch Halloween Photo Contest!
DogWatch asked for the best Halloween photos of your pets in costume, and you delivered! We received hundreds of entries on Facebook and Instagram, and were thoroughly delighted by all of the spooky, silly, super-cute and fantastically creative costumes on display. And we want to give a special salute to all of the dogs who patiently posed for the photos – these good boys and girls have definitely earned some yummy dog treats and belly rubs!
As usual, the DogWatch team had a VERY hard time choosing a winner. After lots of deliberation (and many laughs), we are thrilled to announce the winners of the 2020 DogWatch Halloween Photo Contest!
THIRD PLACE (tie): Hamilton the Morkie as “Spaghetti and Meatballs”
Photo by @handsome__hamilton
THIRD PLACE (tie): Ozzy the Sheepadoodle as “Snoopy vs. the Red Baron”
Photo by Kris Meunier DeSantis
SECOND PLACE: Scotty the Yorkie as “Forrest Gump”
Photo by @scottyandsimone
FIRST PLACE: Caesar and RileyRoo as “The Blues Brothers”
Photo by @jana.nanas.bullyboys
In addition to our top four winners, we also wanted to give a shout out to some of other favorites this year! Here are our 2020 Honorable Mentions:
Delilah the Frenchie (@laurenn_fries) is sweeter than Cotton Candy!
Queen Doggie Antoinette (@heidis.wildlife) says “let them eat treats”!
Kyra the rescue Husky from Ontario is ready to scare the neighborhood with this frightening look! (Photo by Leslie Helen)
Charlie the Frenchie (@pardonmy2frenchies) brings you the mythical three-headed dog Cerberus: The Early Years!
Charlie the Chihuahua and Domino the Great Dane (@1big1small) are Batman and his masked nemesis Bane!
Here comes Prince Charming, aka Little Ricky the Dachshund (@ilonglucy)!
Best friends Ziggy the Lhasa Apso and Si the Chocolate Lab are inseparable, so this Flower and Bee pairing is a perfect fit! (Photos by Rebecca Barker)
And finally, the @2sincitypitties Aria and Enzo (and their adorable baby brother) are ready for a vacation from 2020!
We’d like to say a great big THANK YOU to everyone who participated in this year’s DogWatch Halloween Photo Contest! And if you don’t already, follow us on Facebook and Instagram (@dogwatchfence) to see the rest of the Halloween photo contest entries!