
Golden Doodle running excitedly towards the dock on a lake by Roberto Nickson via Unsplash

Blue-Green Algae Poisoning in Dogs: What You Need To Know And How To Keep Your Dog Safe

You may have seen stories in the news recently about dogs who suddenly died after swimming in lakes, ponds or rivers containing blue-green algae. To avoid a similar tragedy happening to your pet, we’ve compiled the following information about this poisonous algae and what you can do to protect your pets. Read post »

Yellow Lab and K9 Medic Kit

DogWatch Dog of the Day Summer Giveaway!

We love receiving photos and videos from our DogWatch customers, and have been proudly showing them off on our Facebook and Instagram pages as part of our “DogWatch Dog of the Day” series. 2024 marks 10 years since our very first DogWatch Dog of the Day, and we want to celebrate with you!

Starting Friday, June 21, 2024 through Monday, July 22, 2024, share a photo or video of your pet having fun this summer, and they’ll have a chance to be featured in an upcoming #DogWatchDogOfTheDay post AND you’ll have a chance to win one of two K9 Medic Kits courtesy of DogWatch Inc.!*

It’s super easy to participate – all you need to do is to take a photo or video of your pet enjoying their freedom! There are three ways to share your photos and videos with us:

  • Share them our Facebook page or;
  • Post them on Instagram and tag us (@DogWatchFence), or;
  • Email us your photo or video!

Enter today, and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for a daily dose of happy pups enjoying their freedom!


Contest Guidelines/Disclaimer

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smiling dog next to a pile of books

The PAW-fect Summer 2024 Reading List For Dog Lovers

Are you a dog lover looking for your next great summer beach read? Check out the 2024 edition of our annual Summer Reading List for Dog Lovers. Enjoy, and happy reading!  Read post »

Samoyed smiling

Control Your Dog’s Spring Shedding with These 5 Grooming Hacks!

During the spring, dogs shed their winter coat as their summer coat comes in to adapt to the changing temperature and prepare for what’s ahead. They lose any damaged hair and grow new, healthy hair to protect their skin. This hair dump is even more dramatic for dogs with double coats and can leave your floors full of tumbleweeds and your clothes covered in fuzzies.

Here are some hacks to combat shedding season! Read post »