November 30, 2012

Let It Snow!
If the experts are to be believed, this winter looks to be a doozy for those of us along the I-95 belt and in the Great Lakes and Midwest regions. Meteorologists are now predicting more snow and lower temps than usual — great news for hardware stores and plowing companies, but not so great for the rest of us, including our four-legged friends.
The snow and cold pose a host of hazards to our pets, dogs and cats alike. Their skin gets drier, their paws are exposed to all manner of harsh things (like ice, sand, salt, and de-icing chemicals — the latter of which can be toxic if ingested), and for short-haired breeds, it’s just darn cold out there!
This year, more than ever, as you prepare yourself and your property for the winter, make sure to prepare your pet as well. To help you, here are two Dog Tails posts from years past:
Do you have any winter pet prep tips and tricks? How about pics of your pup safely enjoying the snow? Leave them in the comments below!
Photo (c) 2010 Danielle Quatrella.