December 30, 2014
2015 New Year’s Resolutions: Dog Edition
If your dog had a New Year’s resolution, what would it be? We consulted with a panel of DogWatch dogs and their friends, and here’s what they came up with. We hope this gets your new year off on the right paw!
- Nellie
- Lucy
- Toby
- Yogi
- Stella
- Shiloh
- Biz
- Josie
- Remi
- Nina
- Tala
- Priscilla
Nellie, 1 year old, Australian Shepherd
My mom says I play rough, and my dog friends don’t always like to be jumped on or knocked over. I will try to be a bit more gentle. But don’t worry, I’ll never stop playing and having a good time. (Mom wouldn’t want that either!)
Lucy, 5 years old, Chihuahua/Pug mix
I will come when my mom calls me. Ok, maybe just occasionally, but that’s still a good start. It’s so hard – tag is my favorite game!
Toby, 4 years old, Pomeranian
My goal is to reduce my barking by a least one bark a day. Hey, resolutions should be achievable, no? What can I say, I love to talk and talk and talk…
Yogi, 10 weeks old, mixed breed
I’m pretty young, so I think I need to be cut a little bit of slack in the resolutions department; however, it does seem fairly important to my family that I learn to “go potty” outside. I really don’t get what the big deal is…I mean…they have all these glorious absorbing pads all over the floor (I believe they call it carpet) that are simply perfect for peeing on! Anyway, why we all need to freeze our tails off outside while I do my business in the grass is really confusing to me, but hey, if it’s important to them I guess it’s important to me too.
Stella, 9 years old, Lhasa Apso/Cocker Spaniel mix
Take more walks along the beach with Mom and Dad. It keeps me young, and it’s a great place to meet new friends – both dog and human!
Shiloh, 7 years old, Cocker Spaniel/Poodle mix
My resolution for 2015 is more pampering. I love to go to the doggie spa, and want to continue my reign as the best coiffed dog at DogWatch HQ.
Biz, 1 year old, English Labrador Retriever
I got my name because I’m all business – I’m more focused on athletic endeavors than goofy antics. My resolution is to loosen up a bit. Hey, maybe this human petting thing isn’t so bad after all!
Josie, 11 years old, Labrador Retriever
My mom says that all she wants from me next year is to just keep being the same sweet old dog that I am. That’s something I can definitely accomplish in 2015!
Remi, 7 years old, Pug/Beagle mix
This year, I will work on loosening my grip on my beloved toys. When Mom and Dad say “drop it,” I will try my darnedest to let it go (even though I love my squeaky toys and tennis balls). Plus, I hear this “Fetch” thing is fun, and I want to try it out!
Nina, 10 years old, Cocker Spaniel/Poodle mix
I will go out on more walks with my mom and baby sister. Also, I will continue to put up with my baby sister’s excited squealing, because she’s family and she gives me lots of yummy baby food in return.
Tala, 4 months old, Shepherd mix
My resolution is simply to be healthy and happy in my brand new home. The shelter folks were great, but nothing is better than being part of a family.
Priscilla, 19 years old, Cat
Nothing. I’m perfect. Now leave me alone so I can get back to my nap.
Does your dog or other pet have a resolution for 2015? We’d love to hear it. Share it here in the comments or on our DogWatch Hidden Fences Facebook page.
Photo Credits
All photos from DogWatch HQ except the following: Yogi photo from DogWatch of Columbus; Remi photo from Elyse Blanda; Nina photo from Geoff Mosher.