January 15, 2025

Meet the New Dog Breed Recognized by AKC in 2025: the Danish-Swedish Farmdog
To kick off 2025, the American Kennel Club (AKC) announced that a new dog breed is joining their ranks this year – the Danish-Swedish Farmdog. Here are some facts about these beloved farm dogs and their fascinating history!
The Danish-Swedish Farmdog is a small, capable working dog that, while new to the AKC’s official ranks, is far from new. The breed can trace its lineage back to the days of the Vikings over 1200 years ago. Danish-Swedish Farmdogs are so beloved that both Denmark and Sweden wanted to claim them as their own – thus, their name.
The Danish-Swedish Farmdog traditionally performed a variety of task for farmers. They were guard dogs, rat catchers, hunting dogs, and herders. While they resemble terriers, they are actually descended from pinschers.
The breed nearly went extinct after Industrial Revolution of the 19th and 20th centuries. In 1986, dedicated breeders in Denmark and Swedish united to save the breed.
Danish-Swedish Farmdogs are active, people-oriented and highly trainable. They can excel at dog sports like agility, dock diving, scent work and obedience.
Their coats are short and smooth, making grooming needs minimal. They will alert their owners to the presence of a stranger, but are generally friendly with everybody once they get to know them. They can be great companions for families with young children.
Even with all that energy, they do also have a “off-switch”, and will happily cuddle up with their families at the end of the day when work and play is done.
To learn more about the Danish-Swedish Farmdog, visit the websites of the American Kennel Club or the Danish-Swedish Farmdog Club of America.