December 20, 2024
Holiday Safety Tips: How To Keep Your Pets Safe During End-Of-Year Festivities
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The Holiday season is full of lights, laughs, delicious meals, and also, potential dangers for your four-legged family members. Whether it’s food and holiday treats, festive decorations, or houses full of people and parties, there’s plenty of precautions you need to take to keep your pets safe.
Here’s how to navigate the end-of-the-year madness!
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May 5, 2023
Dig It!: The DogWatch® Gardening Checklist For Keeping Your Pup Safe
Spring is here… at last! We’re betting all the green-thumbed folks out there can’t wait to get back to work on their gardens! Of course, your dog is also excited to spend more time outdoors. However, gardening plus dogs isn’t always a winning combination.
So how do we prevent our beloved pets from stomping on, digging up, or otherwise destroying all that hard work? Try this 8-step checklist we’ve pulled together to help ensure that this year you and your dog will fully enjoy your beautiful backyard!
January 11, 2022
New Year, New Dog: How To Include Your Pup In Your 2022 Resolutions
We are nearly two weeks into the new year, and it’s time to ask yourself, honestly: how are those resolutions going? Are you still staying strong, have you thrown in the towel, or do you need a little extra support to meet your goals? Look no further than your four-legged family member!
At DogWatch Hidden Fences, our team thinks that dogs make everything more fun, and that’s why we always have at least a few in the office. We’ve come up with some helpful ideas to energize your resolutions with the help of your pup.
Not only will having your canine companion by your side make resolutions a little more fun, but it can benefit them as well!
November 23, 2021
Turkey Day Safety!: How To Include Your Pets In Your Holiday Celebrations
Thanksgiving is one of the oldest traditions in the United States. This celebration serves as an opportunity to give thanks for family, friends, and food. With guests arriving, the kitchen busy with preparation and cooking, travel plans being made, or your home being rearranged for Thursday’s big meal, it can be easy for your pets to get lost in the shuffle.
However, you should consider your four-legged family member’s safety during the holiday weekend. Here’s what they should and shouldn’t be eating, how to make spending the holiday away from home easier for them, and how to help them feel more comfortable when your home becomes the center of holiday festivities!