Dog Behaviors

Skunk and Skunked Dog

Well, that Stinks! What to do When Your Dog Gets Sprayed by a Skunk

Skunk. A single word that fills even the most intrepid dog owner with dread. The smell, the nightmare of getting it off, the waste of perfectly good tomato juice… Let’s face it, nothing about your dog getting sprayed by a skunk is pleasant. Unfortunately, one of our own dogs was the victim of a quite vigorous skunking (in her face, no less!) this past weekend, which sent us to the good old internet to see what we could find for a treatment. What we found was a wealth of information and a course of action that made a huge difference for poor Lucy! We’re sharing what we learned here to help you should you find your own pup in this predicament.
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4th of July Dog

Preparing Fido for the Fourth

Independence Day (the 4th of July) is next week (can you believe it?), and may towns are opting to have their fireworks displays this weekend. If you’ve been through this holiday with your pup before, you probably have a good idea as to how he will react. Some dogs are surprisingly fine with the flash and bang of fireworks, but a good number tend to get scared and agitated, and may even try to run away to escape the show. Runaway dogs many not find their way home and end up in shelters (if they are not microchipped or wearing proper identification), or they may get injured (or worse) trying to cross streets or highways or traveling through areas with large predators like bears, mountain lions, or coyotes. Our best suggestion is to keep your dog inside for the festivities. If you DO decide to have him outside with you, make sure he has proper ID on him and is either securely leashed, properly fenced in (like a DogWatch Hidden Fence system) or on a sturdy dog run.
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DogWatch Dealer Dave Wingfield and Cesar Millan

Cesar’s Way: "Dogs Must Have Boundaries"

Most dog owners (especially those with, shall we say, “difficult” dogs) know who Cesar Millan is. Called the Dog Whisper, the self-taught Millan is well-known for his success in training particularly aggressive dogs. His methodology? Helping dogs find “balance” by utilizing his understanding of “dog psychology,” combined with “calm-assertive energy” and his “fulfillment forumula”: exercise, then discipline, then finally affection.

DogWatch dealer Dave Wingfield of Hudson Valley Boundaries was recently able to attend one of Millan’s seminars on his “Trust Your Instincts” tour, and had the chance to have a meet & greet with Millan backstage. During their chat, Millan noticed Wingfield’s DogWatch shirt. When Wingfield asked if he approved, Millan said, “Of course. Dogs must have boundaries.” That statement in and of itself sums up Millan’s ethos as a trainer: in order for dogs to be truly happy and healthy, they must have boundaries. DogWatch Hidden Fences, Indoor Boundaries, and Remote Trainers are all useful and appropriate components in providing such boundaries.
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Why “Fix” Your Pet if it Isn’t Broken?

Spayed kitten. Photo by Adrigu via Flickr.Those of us that grew up watching The Price Is Right remember host Bob Barker telling us at the end of every episode to “help control the pet population; have your pets spayed or neutered.” This month, the Humane Society of the United States is asking us to do the same thing: February is Spay/Neuter Awareness Month, and the 27th is World Spay Day.

Spaying and neutering our pets is important for two primary reasons: 1) it helps control the pet population, keeping unexpected and unwanted pets off the streets and out of shelters where they are unfortunately frequently put down, and 2) it provides a host of health and behavioral benefits. Read post »