Dog Breeds/Traits

Balto Cover Image

Balto: The Iditarod’s Unexpected Hero

Most people know that the Iditarod is a grueling distance race of over 1,000 miles that takes place on the Iditarod trail in Alaska and tests the endurance of both dog and man. Not everyone, however, knows about the dangerous and dramatic journey that the race commemorates, and how an unlikely hero emerged during it and helped save an entire city. That hero was Balto, lead sled dog of Norwegian Gunnar Kaasen’s team, and this is his story.
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The Presidential Pups

President Barack Obama and first puppy Bo race through the White House. White House photo.This Monday we celebrated Presidents’ Day, where we honor two intrepid men who were essential in establishing the United States as we know them today: George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. In leading the U.S., Washington and Lincoln, as well as all our other presidents, obviously had a solid team of advisors, experts, and confidantes who helped them handle the stressful decisions required by the role. While we at DogWatch are sure those experts are essential to a successful presidency, we are also inclined to believe that a good canine companion is just as important! So today, on Washington’s birthday, we’d like to celebrate some of the First Dogs who provided our nation’s leaders with love, laughter, and a whole lot of cute!

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Poodle mixes, photos by David Kaskons for DogWatch

Oodles of Poodles … Poodle Mixes, That Is!

We recently brought you a post all about the poodle: a highly intelligent, determined, and athletic dog that has been man’s faithful companion and workmate for hundreds of years. In fact, poodles are so beloved and their temperaments and traits so desirable (especially the fact that they don’t shed – a trait which they pass on) that they have become a breeder favorite for crossing with other dogs. These pairings have produced some amazing, interesting (and in some cases, quite amusingly-named) new types of dogs.  Here are a few of the more common mixes followed by a list of some others you might encounter.
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My Public Lands Roadtrip: Iditarod National Historic Trail in Alaska

Sled Dogs: A Study in Endurance, Fidelity, and Intelligence

Old Man Winter has made his presence known in most of the country by now, and both people and dogs are preparing themselves for the even colder days ahead. While many dogs blanch at the prospect of a long trek in the ice and snow, there’s one category of dogs that approaches it with sheer, unbridled eagerness and joy: they are the sled dogs, denizens of the frozen tundras and icy poles. Their athleticism and endurance is unrivaled, and their heroics, intelligence, and loyalty have been lauded around the world. This week, DogWatch would like to pay tribute to these hard (and hardy) workers, and we hope you’ll fall as in love with them as we have.

For thousands of years, man has used dogs as draft and pack animals, tapping into their endurance and strength to haul both people and goods across increasing distances and harsh climates. The earliest evidence of man using dogs to pull sleighs exists in the Thule people of Canada – the precursors of the Inuits – and dates back to around A.D. 1000. However, it is believed that domesticated working dogs existed in North America as far back as 15,000 years ago. For the Thule, Inuit, and Athabascan people of the great white north, as well as other northern native cultures, using these dogs for transportation of people and goods was a part of daily life. Read post »