Dog Healthcare

Hammie's first birthday

What Is Your Dog’s Lifespan?

What is the predicted lifespan of your dog? The answer varies from breed to breed. Lifespan depends on other variables too, such as genetic disease and weight. As a matter of fact, according to a study done by Purina, keeping your dog lean could add 15% to their lifespan!
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Senior golden retriever

A Graying Muzzle: Caring for Your Senior Dog

One day you’ll notice some gray hairs on your dog’s muzzle or around his eyes. About the same time you might see that he isn’t as quick to fetch a stick or to dash out after that squirrel crossing the yard. Just like you, he’s aging.

It’s always a good time  to learn how to care for your senior dog. Aging dogs aren’t very different from aging people. They begin to get gray hair; some won’t see or hear as well as they once did; others might develop arthritis, diabetes, or heart disease. And just like you, your senior dog needs a proper diet, exercise, and regular medical care to age gracefully.
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sad dog

Disasters Happen

There’s no telling what tomorrow will bring. For that matter, even one hour into the future is a mystery to us. We do know, though, that June is the beginning of the Atlantic hurricane season; the tornado season is already in full swing; earthquakes, severe weather, fires, floods—it seems there is always some potential disaster “in season.” There’s no getting around it: disasters happen.

But we human beings have the unique capability of imagining the future. Individually and as a species, we analyze our past experiences and use that information to imagine, and even plan for the future. We can, and do, prepare ourselves and our families to survive disasters.

Spring is a good season to review your family’s emergency plan. Remember to include your dog and other pets in your plan, because in a disaster, they face the same dangers as every other member of your family. Advance planning is the key to their safety in an emergency situation.

Here are five tips for emergency planning for your dog.
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Happy woman and her dog in a park

Your Perfect Exercise Buddy

Physical activity contributes substantially to our health. It helps us to control our weight, reduces our risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and even some forms of cancer. It improves our mood, strengthens our bones, and increases our chances of living longer. We know it’s good for us, but we often need help sticking with an exercise regimen. Your pooch just might be the key to your exercise success.
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