Dog Safety

January 1st on Calendar and dog, New Year, New Dog: How To Include Your Pup In Your 2022 Resolutions

New Year, New Dog: How To Include Your Pup In Your 2022 Resolutions

We are nearly two weeks into the new year, and it’s time to ask yourself, honestly: how are those resolutions going? Are you still staying strong, have you thrown in the towel, or do you need a little extra support to meet your goals? Look no further than your four-legged family member!

At DogWatch Hidden Fences, our team thinks that dogs make everything more fun, and that’s why we always have at least a few in the office. We’ve come up with some helpful ideas to energize your resolutions with the help of your pup.

Not only will having your canine companion by your side make resolutions a little more fun, but it can benefit them as well!

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Dog and suitcase, Hire A Pet Sitter or Board?: How to Choose Your Pet's Staycation

Hire A Pet Sitter or Board?: How to Choose Your Pet’s Staycation

Whether it’s a long weekend, a visit to family members, or a day trip, getting away with the family is a necessary respite from the daily grind of everyday life. However, when you have four-legged family members it can become complicated. And, as much as we’d like our pets to join us for every event, vacation, or visit, it’s not always possible. In many instances, it can be unsafe or unfair to your pet to bring them along, or it may not even be allowed. This is especially true during the Holiday season.

So what can you do for your pet when you aren’t home? You may be worried about them spending too much time alone, not getting adequate exercise, or becoming destructive out of boredom. Luckily there are plenty of options for pet owners. Hiring a pet sitter, or using a trusted boarding facility, can ensure your pet is having just as much fun as you are!

This helpful guide will help you determine which option is best for you.

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dog and christmas gift, Christmas Morning Celebrations: How To Keep Your Pets Safe

Christmas Morning Celebrations: How To Keep Your Pets Safe

Christmas is one of the most exciting and joyous days of the year and a big part of the day is opening gifts. Seeing your friends and family members’ faces light up as they open that handpicked or handmade gift you’ve been itching to give them for months is impossibly exciting. However, in all the excitement, your pet may get a little too overzealous seeing everyone open gifts and try to get involved, potentially leading to an emergency Christmas day trip to the vet.

Here are the potential dangers of Christmas morning, how to avoid them, and what to do if something does happen.

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senior dog, How To Teach An Old Dog New Tricks: Yes, It's Possible

How To Teach An Old Dog New Tricks: Yes, It’s Possible

The adage goes that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. However, the proverb refers more to people who are stuck in their ways rather than your actual canine’s cognitive abilities. Dogs are creatures of habit who, if they are physically capable, can learn new obedience commands and skills at any age.

Teaching an older dog new tricks can help reestablish or establish new boundaries, adjust your dog to new family dynamics, prepare them for travel, and refresh obedience commands to promote proper behavior.  All it requires is training, patience, time, and effort.

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