Senior Dogs
February 12, 2025
Fido’s Fitness Regime: How Much Exercise Does Your Dog Need?
All dogs need exercise to promote both mental and physical health. However, most owners aren’t sure if their dogs get the right amount or even how much they need. The amount of exercise your dog requires can vary drastically depending on breed, age, weight, and even pre-existing conditions. A couple of laps in your neighborhood might be sufficient exercise for some four-legged family members, but some dogs require much, much more.
Here’s a run-down of 10 types of dogs and their specific exercise requirements.
November 8, 2023
Top 10 Reasons to Adopt a Senior Dog
Puppies are great, but they’re not the only dogs in need out there! November is Adopt A Senior Pet Month, founded by the ASPCA and Petfinder to bring attention to all of the great senior pets in need of a forever home to live out their golden years. Senior dogs in animal shelters and rescues can have a harder time finding a home than younger pets, despite often being just as affectionate and playful as younger dogs, and usually better behaved, too!
Before you visit the animal shelter or scroll through dog adoption websites, check out our Top Ten List to find out why senior dogs can make a great addition to any family! Read post »
May 16, 2022
Introducing A Second Dog To Your Home: How To Prepare And Do It Successfully
You’ve crunched the numbers, got the blessing of your current dog (or reached a tentative agreement with your cat), found the perfect candidate at your local shelter, or decided on a reputable breeder, and now it’s official. You’re ready to introduce a new four-legged family member into your home.
Bringing a new dog into your home is a big deal! But, before you get too excited imagining the prospect of your new pup becoming best friends with the dog you already have at home or cuddling up and sharing naps with your cat, you’ll have to consider the best way to introduce them to your home and family.
November 16, 2021
How To Teach An Old Dog New Tricks: Yes, It’s Possible
The adage goes that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. However, the proverb refers more to people who are stuck in their ways rather than your actual canine’s cognitive abilities. Dogs are creatures of habit who, if they are physically capable, can learn new obedience commands and skills at any age.
Teaching an older dog new tricks can help reestablish or establish new boundaries, adjust your dog to new family dynamics, prepare them for travel, and refresh obedience commands to promote proper behavior. All it requires is training, patience, time, and effort.