Therapy Dogs

Canine Military Heroes: 5 Important Service Dogs Who Should Be Celebrated

Every Veterans Day, we recognize the day as a chance to honor the brave men and women who have served in each branch of our military forces. The DogWatch team joins in this salute and extends a heartfelt thanks to all veterans for their courageous service.

With so many heroes to praise, we turn our attention to the subject we know best: dogs. Here are the stories of five of these heroic military working dogs, whose bravery, dedication, and strength are an inspiration to us all.

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6 Things You Didn’t Know About Deaf Dogs

Do you know a deaf dog?

Deaf dogs are considered disabled, but their disability is usually overlooked as it is not visual. However, these pets still require the same support, attention, and understanding that any other pet would need. There are plenty of deaf dogs leading full and diverse lives as beloved family pets, therapy dogs, dog athletes, adoption advocates and more.

Here are some things you might not know about deaf dogs!

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Introducing A Second Dog To Your Home: How To Prepare And Do It Successfully

You’ve crunched the numbers, got the blessing of your current dog (or reached a tentative agreement with your cat), found the perfect candidate at your local shelter, or decided on a reputable breeder, and now it’s official. You’re ready to introduce a new four-legged family member into your home.

Bringing a new dog into your home is a big deal! But, before you get too excited imagining the prospect of your new pup becoming best friends with the dog you already have at home or cuddling up and sharing naps with your cat, you’ll have to consider the best way to introduce them to your home and family.

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Two Old English Sheepdogs

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Deaf Dogs

The last full week of September is Deaf Dog Awareness Week. This week is the perfect opportunity to celebrate all the wonderful deaf dogs out there, who are living full and diverse lives as beloved family pets, therapy dogs, dog athletes, adoption advocates, and more. Here are five things you may not know about deaf dogs, and all the things they are capable of! Read post »