Dog Care

2 Steps to a Great 4th of July For Your Dog


Fireworks and thunderstorms can be stressful for any dog, but did you know that more than 20% of dogs have severe adverse reactions to fireworks? Check out our blog article about dogs and fireworks to learn how you can help prepare your pup for the 4th. Read more…


We all know that chocolate and grapes are bad for dogs… but do you know what else your pup should avoid?  The 4th of July is prime time for picnics, so this would be a good time to review the list. And remember to keep an eye on Fido around the grill and anywhere food is set out. Read more…

DogWatch 2014 Summer Reading List

The Dog Days of Summer Reading List Is Here!

Looking for a summer reading list that will get you a ‘paws-up’ from your pet pal?  Here is our 2014 list of dog-related titles that will make great “summer reads!” From funny dog facts and statistics, to dog vs. cat arguments, to a charming and well-written novel featuring a dog and his vet, to dog trick training, these books are sure to enrich your mind (and maybe your heart) and teach you a thing or two about your four-legged pal.
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Black and white dog at home

Home Alone

Many dog owners look forward to National Take Your Dog to Work Day, which was Friday, June 21 this year. It’s great fun to have your buddy sleeping cozily at your feet or to watch him greet new friends with sniffs and tail wags, or play keep-away with a favorite toy.

But where is your four-legged friend the rest of the year? Though some workplaces welcome pets, most do not. It would, of course, be wonderful to be able to stay home with Fido, but someone has to earn the green stuff that we trade for kibble and dog toys, so most of us head off to work each day sadly leaving our dogs home alone.

Not only do we miss them, but bored or lonely dogs have been known to chew furniture, destroy blinds, disturb the neighbors with barking, or even hurt themselves trying to escape. You can help your dog adjust to your absence using the following tips.
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3 dogs wearing the BigLeash Remote Trainer by DogWatch

How to Celebrate April with Your Canine Buddy

It’s almost time to celebrate National Pets Day (April 11)!

April 20 to April 26 is National Pet ID Week. If you haven’t microchipped your dog, this is a good time to reconsider. Most vets can insert the microchip that will assure you of being reunited with your pet should you ever be separated. For more information on this form of pet ID visit the ASPCA website.
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