Dog Holidays
August 25, 2015
Today Is National Dog Day. What Is It and What’s the Deal With All The Dog Days?
Today is National Dog Day! When you visit your favorite social media site today, you’ll see lots of photos, videos, tributes, shareable stories and lots of #NationalDogDay hashtags. We love to join in on these fun events on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. − after all, we’re all about dogs at DogWatch! But with more and more of these national “days” popping up throughout the year, we wondered, “Where do all these “days” come from? Who creates them and why?”
To answer some of these questions, we looked into the origins of some of the most popular pet-related holidays.
August 26, 2014
National Dog Day!
The DogWatch team celebrates National Dog Day with extra treats and walks for our office dogs. National Dog Day is an unofficial holiday that is celebrating its 10th year. Dog lovers don’t need anything official to celebrate their beloved pups, right? Visit the sponsors of National Dog Day to find ideas for how you can celebrate.
September 20, 2013
8 Ways to Celebrate National Dog Week
Sunday, September 22 is the first day of the 85th annual National Dog Week. This weeklong celebration was founded in 1928 by William Lewis Judy, affectionally known as Captain Will Judy. A decorated World War I veteran, Judy loved dogs. He founded a publishing house in 1921 and bought Dog World magazine in 1923, which he published for more than 35 years. He also helped to establish the Dog Writers’ Association of America.
National Dog Week was founded to honor our canine friends for their service as well as their loyalty and companionship. In the introduction to his classic book The Dog Encyclopedia: A Complete Reference Work On Dogs, Judy wrote: “Who invests in a puppy receives in return for his investment ten years of companionship, sport, and devotion that he can not purchase elsewhere at any price.”
In keeping with the theme for this year’s celebration, Kids and K-9s: Celebrating the Bond between Youth and Dogs, here are eight ways to celebrate the special bond that exists between kids and dogs.
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