Tia Torres
August 22, 2011
The Plight of the Pit Bull
Diesel is a beast of a dog, a three year-old mountain of silky black fur and solid muscle. His head measures nearly 25 inches around, and he is well on his way to the one hundred pound mark. He is also one of the biggest goofballs you will ever meet. He shares a house with a family of seven humans and two cats. One of his best buddies is a tiny kitten named Lionel, who shows no fear of his gargantuan companion, and will play alongside of him without batting an eye. Diesel loves to frolic outside, and has a habit of bringing back a big stick and plopping down on the porch to chew on it. He knows how to sit, lie down, and offer up each paw when commanded. He’s a lovable bundle of energy and affection. He is also a pit bull.
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