dog behavior

Dachshund puppy in the bathtub

Bath Time for Fido

Some dogs are wonderful bathers, right? They step into the tub willingly, and are patient throughout the shampoo, the rinse and the toweling off. They may shake some water in your face, but mostly, they are on their best behavior. Some dogs may even look forward to washing up time, like Lena the Rottweiler, the star of this YouTube video below, who can’t get enough of the shower.
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Milo the Boxer from Winston-Salem, NC loves to dig.

Stop the Digging! Suggestions for your Digging Dog

Congratulations, you are the proud owner of a dog that digs. Whether your dog loves to cover herself in mud or mulch or dig grave-size holes in your backyard, we have some suggestions for you. Here are a few tips that we hope will help.
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Romeo the lab puppy from Columbus, Ohio

The Do’s and Don’ts of Potty Training Your Puppy

It is not a particularly pleasant experience to walk into a room to find that your puppy has had “an accident” in the middle of the floor. This is especially true for the first time puppy parents. And let’s face it, losing our temper and being angry is often our first reaction. What do you do? How do you train your dog to do his “business” outside? Before we answer those questions, here is a list of “Do’s” and “Do not’s” on how to help the process go a little smoother:
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Coco the Frenchie loves DogWatch!

What Is Your Dog Thinking?

When a dog sits in front of you, her golden brown eyes focused on your face, and then she tilts her head, while wrinkling her brow every so slightly, you’re likely to interpret the look as a question. When she snuggles into your lap and sighs, it is natural to think that she loves you and is content. Are we simply projecting our own feelings onto our pets or are they sharing and communicating their feelings of joy, perplexity, and love with us?
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