The weekend of February 12 was an exciting time for DogWatch dealers! Approximately 175 people traveled to Orlando, Florida to participate in the 18th Annual DogWatch Dealer meeting. Attendees included representatives from 80 Dealerships who traveled from throughout the United States, Canada as well as Great Britain, the Netherlands, Denmark and Australia. A notably large number of new Dealers were in attendance.

The meeting provided everyone with the opportunity to look back at a successful 2012 and provided a forum to discuss plans for the new business year.

It has been more than 20 years since our president, Fred King, established DogWatch. His vision included an innovative product that prioritizes pet safety coupled with a community focus of serving and supporting customers and their pets. After all of these years, the DogWatch mission remains the same, and its growth makes it possible for all of our dealers to offer the customer focused local service and support that Fred originally envisioned.

Our annual conference provides a wonderful opportunity for dealers to brush up on the latest technology and product development, spend time catching up with each other,  and share ways that they are managing their business in order to bring the best pet containment solutions to their communities.

Another  important aspect of the Annual Meeting is celebrating our top achievers with Dealer Awards. Congratulations to all of our award winners!


Major Market
Ty Kretzinger / DFW DogWatch
Emily & Patrick West / DogWatch of Columbus
Gary Richardson / DogWatch of Nashville
Dave Spain / Triad DogWatch
Rookie of the Year2012 is 1st Full Year
Roy Dusenberry, DogWatch of Vermont
Top Dog Awards
1.   Ward & Samantha Chapman, DogFence UK
2.   Sue & Bruce Thompson, C No Pet Fence
3.   Shannon & Brent Potvin, DogWatch of Metro-Atlanta
4.   William Coden, Fido’s Fences
5.   Leddy Smith, DogWatch Systems
6.   Sue Marks & Mark Bridschge, DogWatch of Central CT
7.   Shawn Bader, DogWatch by Petworks
8.   Emily & Pat West, DogWatach of Columbus
9.   Liz & Jack Goetz, DogWatch of Greater Pittsburgh
10. Curt Little, DogWatch of Central Indiana
Sales Achievement Awards
50+% Growth

Cal Noehring, DogWatch of Greater Toronto Area (GTA)
Dee & Tim Smith, DogWatch of Sarasota
Jamie Young, Palmetto DogWatch
Eddie Poynter, North Harbor Hidden Fences (NZ)
Laurie & Mark Spain, Stateline DogWatch
Lisa Schultz, DogWatch of Cleveland
Jay Fleck, DogWatch of Green County
40-50% Growth
Ty Kretzinger, DFW DogWatch
Buck Horton, DogWatch of Central Alabama
Dave Benfield, DogWatch of Central Florida
Dave Spain, Triad DogWatch
Dave Acree, DogWatch by Acree Landscaping
30-40% Growth
Garth Sweetman, South Island Hidden Fence (NZ)
Tony Lawrence, DogWatch of Alaska
John Townsend, DogWatch of Chillicothe
Teresa & Dave Billone, DogWatch by Billone Fence
Maryann Bean, DogWatch of the Endless Mountains
Gary Richardson, DogWatch of Nashville
Linda Smyth, DogWatch of Eastern Connecticut
20-30% Growth
Mary Jo Mentink, DogWatch of Northern Kentucky
Emily & Pat West, DogWatch of Columbus
Shane Brzezinski, DogWatch of Central Wisconsin
Jamie Young, Palmetto DogWatch
Pete Harvey, DogWatch of Southeast Wisconsin
Gary Glaser, DogWatch of Greater Baltimore
Paul Carey, DogWatch of Southeast Michigan
Tom Schmidt, DogWatch of Southwest Georgia
Julie & Wade McCormick, DogWatch of Utah
Alan Grammar, MetroEast DogWatch
Jim Van Zant, DogWatch of Northeast Ohio
Brad Wolfe, DogWatch of Southeast Ontario
15-20% Growth
Jenny & George Richardson, DogWatch of Southeast VA
Drew Knutzen, DogWatch of Colorado
Beth and Travis Canty, DogWatch of the Triangle
Marth & Dave Roddenberry, DogWatch of Central GA

Thank you to all of our dealers for another wonderful year of serving our communities with the best pet containment solutions and superior community support for our customers!