
a collie and lilacs

Collie-Flowers: Dog-Friendly Plants That Will Make Your Garden Beautiful

You love gardening. You love dogs. Gardening plus dogs, however, is not always a winning combination. In addition to our 8-step Dog-Friendly Gardening Checklist, we’ve compiled a list of pet-safe plants for your spring garden, and some plants to avoid. Check it out, and share photos of your garden and your dogs on our Facebook pageRead post »

Keep your dog safe on superbowl sunday!

Ready, Set, Woof!: Your Guide to a Dog-Friendly Super Bowl LVI Party

Super Bowl Sunday is here, and we can’t wait for the big game to start! By now, you’ve probably decided where you’ll watch the event, what delicious munchies you’ll prepare, and which team you’ll be cheering on. But what about your dog? How will he or she participate in the big day? The DogWatch team has some fun ideas for incorporating your best friend into the year’s biggest sports spectacle. Read post »

dog on beach, Dog-Friendly Vacation: 4 Steps To Planning A Successful Trip With Your Pup

Dog-Friendly Vacation: 4 Steps To Planning A Successful Trip With Your Pup

Going on vacation is an opportunity to get away from everyday life, recharge your batteries, and spend some quality time with your family! However, vacation often means leaving your four-legged family members behind with a pet-sitter or boarding them in a kennel. 

Wouldn’t it be great if your pup could join in on the fun? Here’s how to plan a vacation with your dog.

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January 1st on Calendar and dog, New Year, New Dog: How To Include Your Pup In Your 2022 Resolutions

New Year, New Dog: How To Include Your Pup In Your 2022 Resolutions

We are nearly two weeks into the new year, and it’s time to ask yourself, honestly: how are those resolutions going? Are you still staying strong, have you thrown in the towel, or do you need a little extra support to meet your goals? Look no further than your four-legged family member!

At DogWatch Hidden Fences, our team thinks that dogs make everything more fun, and that’s why we always have at least a few in the office. We’ve come up with some helpful ideas to energize your resolutions with the help of your pup.

Not only will having your canine companion by your side make resolutions a little more fun, but it can benefit them as well!

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