
DogWatch’s Highlights from BlogPaws 2017!

What do you get when you combine hundreds of pet bloggers, 62 pet brands, 45 great speakers and 123 fluffy and furry friends? BlogPaws 2017!

2017 was our second year at the annual conference of pet bloggers organized by BlogPaws, a social media company dedicated to educating and inspiring online pet writers. DogWatch Social Media Strategist Jackie attended BlogPaws 2016 in Phoenix, AZ, and had such a great experience that this year, DogWatch decided to attend as a first-time exhibitor. DogWatch Marketing Manager Demie joined Jackie this year at the Sheraton Myrtle Beach Convention Center Hotel in Myrtle Beach, SC. There was another important addition to the team this year – Jackie’s dog Lucy (@lucy_with_the_underbite)! In her pink bowtie and DogWatch bandanna, Lucy was a big hit with all the BlogPaws attendees she met, and she enjoyed making many new friends, human and canine and feline, too! Read post »

DogWatch Had a Blast at BlogPaws 2016!

When you think of industry conferences, what comes to mind? Business suits, dreary hotel ballrooms, awkward networking and boring product pitches, maybe? Well, BlogPaws 2016, an annual gathering of pet bloggers and pet brands held last week in Phoenix, AZ, is not your average conference. Why? Read post »