dog safety

Dog in Halloween candy basket

Halloween Safety Tips for Dog Parents

While Halloween is an exciting time for us humans, it can be a downright scary and stressful time for dogs. Constant noise and activity, strange people in strange costumes, doorbells ringing, doors opening and closing – all of this can be highly upsetting to many dogs. Here are some guidelines from DogWatch to help you keep your dog safe and sane on the scariest night of the year.

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Golden retriever in the garden

Dog-Friendly Gardening: 4 Tips to Keep Them Out and Keep Them Safe

Spring is here at last! Gardeners, as you start tending to your perennials, planting new flowers and working in your vegetable garden, it is important to keep in mind the other member of your family who is itching to get back outside after the long winter – your dog. Here are four tips to help you create a safer garden for your dogs (and outdoor cats), as well as how to keep your beloved pets from stomping on, digging up, or otherwise destroying all that hard work!
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Golden Retriever puppy in the snow

Winter Weather Must-Reads

Spring is around the corner, but unfortunately, nobody told winter. The bitterly cold and very snowy winter of 2015 shows no signs of lessening it’s icy grip in many parts of the country. As a result, we interrupt our regularly scheduled blogging to bring you a list of cold weather-themed blog posts to help you prepare for and make the best of the rest of winter. Stay warm out there, and don’t worry, spring is indeed coming…one of these days!
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dog paws in snow

Dog Paw Care 101

A dog’s paws are tough – they run over rocks, skate along the ice, stand up to the summer heat and dig through sand and dirt. These paw pads see a lot during a dog’s lifetime, so do your canine best buddy a favor. Check out our seasonal guide to paw health, and help him keep those feet running safely and comfortably all year ’round!
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